Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Little Miracles

There have been quite a few events the past few months that have lead me to believe that there most certainly is a God or force of good that looks after us all the time, whether we realize it or not. I mean the course my life has taken this year has without a doubt been directed entirely by the man upstairs. I am simply baffled (for lack of a better word) by the events that have occurred, particularly this one....

So at the moment, I am sort of in between destinations waiting for I'm not sure what to happen to initiate my final move up to Montreal. Yesterday, Pete and I finally decided that we absolutely HAD to figure out our reservations considering the original plan was to fly up there a week from today. So we arrive at the Starbucks with internet :) and begin our search. Of course, the flights have raised in price compared to what they were a few days ago. I expected this, but what's a girl to do? I almost feel like I've been waiting for some "miracle" to happen and I'll have the money in my account to move forward. I'm not joking when I say that I feel like my entire summer has consisted of months of these moments. So by this point, I've actually figured out that somehow things work out when I let it go and let God.

So I suppose in some weird way, that's what this "waiting" period was. I've had a few freak out moments (Pete will second that!) but for the most part, I've been trying to learn how to be comfortable in the uncomfortable. As soon as it seems like there's no answer in sight, SOMETHING happens. EVERYtime!! One of those small miracles.

Ok, finally I reach my point. Kim, a hero of mine who also happens to be my mom, suggested looking at train tickets. Pete seems to be a veteran at taking the train nowadays, but I certainly am not. I still love the convenience of arriving somewhere the same day that I leave. However, if it means saving a hundred dollars or so, then I'm all in! So we look at train tickets, and they are significantly cheaper. The catch was that we'd have to stop in New York City and in order to transfer to the correct train up to Montreal, we'd have to stay overnight. Problem. Although we know quite a few people in New York, numerous of them have traveled up to Saratoga and others have tiny little places that I would feel terrible crashing in with enough luggage to equate two more people. Just as I was about to post a Facebook status update asking if anyone would mind if we stayed with them for one night, I remembered that my amazing friend Stephen would be traveling home through Montreal from his trip to Europe. By the way, congratulations to Callie and Didier who are having an amazing little Swiss wedding which is the reason Stephen was over there to begin with!!! ANYways, so Stephen's parents are driving up from Glens Falls, NY to Montreal to pick him up at the airport. What date? That's right...THEEE day Pete and I were talking about going to Montreal. And YES, there is a train that we can take straight up to Glens Falls to stay with them for a night and then travel to Canada with them!! I called Mary, Stephen's amazing mother, and ran this plan by her. Her response was, "I can't wait to see you!" What an angel. And what a miracle this was. Pete and I are saving hundreds of dollars by choosing this option. I don't need to explain the poverty of a person in our profession during the summer months. It's literally a God-sent blessing that we are able to take advantage of this wonderfully presented plan. I think we both jumped up and down for a good minute when we realized what a miracle we had just witnessed.

Now I officially have five more days in the states before I begin my new adventures in Canada. I'm extremely nervous, but enjoying every minute of these last few days here in the summertime. And also enjoying watching each miracle play itself out.

Thank you, God!

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